Green Solution for Sustainable Development and Growth

The “Green Solutions for Sustainable Development and Growth in Monze District” project by Caritas Czech Republic in Zambia is an ambitious initiative aimed at empowering small and medium-scale farmers, particularly women and youth, to actively participate in sustainable and market-oriented agriculture. This project seeks to transform local farming practices and catalyze the growth of green businesses, fostering a sustainable and prosperous community in Monze.  

Here’s a breakdown of the project’s key components:

Empowering Farmers

Training: Over 1650 farmers received training in sustainable agronomic practices, including crop diversification, post-harvest handling, natural resource management, agroforestry, and climate change resilience.  
Financial Literacy: At least 500 farmers benefited from training in financial literacy and gain access to financial services, including saving groups and agricultural loans.

Market Linkages:

Out-grower Scheme: Approximately 1000 farmers were integrated into the 260 Brands out-grower scheme, focusing on organic soya production with a guaranteed premium price.  

Market Access: The project facilitated linkages between farmers and markets in Lusaka and locally, ensuring fair income and encouraging sustainable practices.  
Supporting Green Businesses:

Business Development: Five small and medium-scale businesses in Monze District received support in business development, management capacity building, product certification, and adherence to green economy principles.  
Expertise and Collaboration:

International Expertise: The project benefits from the expertise of Mendel University in Brno and the Czech company Holistic Solutions, bringing cutting-edge knowledge in sustainable agriculture and green economy principles.  
Partner Governments: The involvement of partner governments is crucial for the project’s success.  
Overall Impact:

The Green Solutions project is expected to:

Enhance the resilience and sustainability of local agriculture.
Improve the livelihoods of small and medium-scale farmers
Promote the growth of green businesses.
Contribute to the overall development and economic empowerment of the Monze District.  

This initiative represents a significant step towards a greener and more prosperous future for Monze, serving as a model for sustainable development in Zambia and beyond.

Services: Training & Support Client: Caritas Zambia Duration: 4.5 Months Location: Monze Zambia